Tanya Ling “Cultura Scultura” catalogue and monotipe release

Michael Berryhill exhibition and print release

“DUCK ROOM” is now open, original paintings and prints by Michael Berryhill,
you can find the prints here!

FAILE prints and originals release

printed with Patrick Mcneil and Denim during some hot days in the summer, we’re happy to release these two editions! Mcneil designed the background using images from random old school stickers he found at the gallery !

Rosario Pedone, live auction and book release

Saturday 12 of August, Castello Episcopio di Grottaglie, Rosario Pedone’s book release, live auction and more, be there!

Paul Kremer “life”

five new paintings, ceramics and prints, on view until september the 14th

MOMO DARMON 3, the video

Momo Darmon 3 from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

Julien Colombier Holy Jungle !

Hello! we’ve just released six color variants of Julien Colombier Holy Jungle editions!

MOMO Final Call

Kristin Texeira Love Songs !


StudioCromie turns 15 ! This show is a milestone in the tale of a small town kid that stumbled on punk rock and made extreme DIY ethics his everyday practice to keep doing whatever the fuck he wants and live as fast as he can while everybody else in town seems to be asleep

just a quick note to let you all know we’re opening an incredible exhibition in a new gallery space!
and we’ve just released a new book and a few editions by PIERO PERCOCO

It’s always a pleasure to team up with Julien Colombier, he’s a restless artist, a genuine heart and i love his vision and talent
this time we’re releasing a serie of small original pieces and a few bigger ones! check them here!

FAILE x StudioCromie from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

A ceramic collection with FAILE
it only took 10 years of email correspondence to convince Patrick Mcneil from the Brooklyn based artist duo Faile to trust an italian <3 he was here in the summer of 2018 and we worked hard in Franco Fasano ceramic factory to produce an entire collection of plates and vases you find a pdf with more details and photos here

it’s been a real pleasure to fuck around puglia stealing advertising posters from billboards during the stupid pandemic.
we produced these two limited editions on plexiglass, billboard paper and wood with portugal prime minister Alexandre Farto aka Vhils
i loved the whole process and i hope you’ll like it too, learn more here

Jeffrey Cheung print release

Printed during the first lockdown of the shit virus pandemic of 2020, we’re happy to release “Cover”, a 13 colors handpulled screenprint from the Oakand based artist and restless skater Jeffrey Cheung

…now, to go a little more personal, as for many of us, its been a VERY hard wretched year for me, full of loss and unprecedented hard shit to go trough. what you see up here, in this print, is the results of self determination, will to live, passion and luck. Yes, i’m good at pumping myself up with the belief that i deserve every bit of good that comes my way as i know how hard i’ve been working to create it all, but there’s also a great deal of luck in my story: I’m lucky to be alive and healthy, to love what i do, and to be able to share it with you all. Walking to the studio everyday during the lockdown has been an extreme luxury, having artists from the other side of the world trusting me and allowing me to print their art remotely felt great and the process of fucking with these prints until they were completed is definitely what kept me sane and kicking through this shit year. i hope you’ll like them as much as i do and that you’ll find a slice of relief in them too knowing that a lot of love went into making them and that in an exaggerated fashion i can tell that they saved my life <3


hello! We’re trying to open this incredible group exhibition, if the pandemic restrictions allow us, it will happen on Friday the 18th of December, we’ll keep you posted!

JULIEN COLOMBIER – new prints up!

hello people!
just a quick note to tell you all we just released these prints, find them here! i will write a long post about these prints and the current situation at studiocromie once i finish the little promotional video i’m shooting right now. so yeah, talk soon!


hey! we give zero fucks about christmas madness but out of coincidence, we’re here doing our first mayor december release in ages, if you feel like, eventually, buying something nice out of all that crap the world is forcefeeding you these days, you can do it here:

Marco Pariani made 5 drawings, i love what this guys does, i just can’t stand his audio messages, they’re too long, he contradicts himself a few times while he records them and he even expect you to get what he’s saying… i wanted to share with you the frustration of getting one of these messages with this video 🙂

on the other side of the world, my favorite artistic duo ever, Cyop & Kaf just opened a show in Napoli to celebrate their 25 years of being an artistic couple. i don’t have enough words to explain what i feel about these artists, and for once, i’ll let their artwork speak for them, we’ve just released 10 sculptures of clay, cement and found metal

last but not least, come see us at the second edition of the FuckUps festival at studiocromie! 20/22 december in grottaglie!


Last August we organized the first edition of CHIASMO with our friends from Path, a 4 days experimental electronic festival in Grottaglie. This is a video recap by Jacopo Farina, music by Vipra. We’re already working on next year edition, more news soon!

The Fuckups at colorificio Kroen, Verona

The Fuckups is StudioCromie’s side project, the place where we experiment with wild interesting artists from the real world and where money is not a relevant issue. The public is invited to watch, talk and interact with a group of artists that were selected a little farther away from their noses and instagram reachability. We might all learn something outside the internet
The second meeting took place in northern Italy, Verona. Once again, this video is not intended to explain what this all is about, it’s an homage for those who came and had fun with us! The family is growing, We are the Fuckups! support here www.thefuckups.org !

Julien Colombier release!

we’re here today to release our first collaborations with Julien Colombier! we met on the magical internet over three years ago and then we visited his studio in Paris, then we lost track of each other but we both kept in mind that it would have been nice to collaborate on something, Jesus Craist made it finally happen this year, in the hottest days of the summer, we made these three beautiful editions. It all happened in one night so that Julien could catch his flight back to paris. order them here!


Presence of the absent, 28 June 2019. Dunja Jankovic solo exhibition just opened at the gallery, photos here:



hello internet! we’re releasing this new print by Paul Kremer and i made a peaceful video for the release! hope you like it.

28th of June, StudioCromie gallery, grottaglie

Lucy Mclauchlan / Dunja Jankovic new prints!

Lucy taped a roll of paper on the stadium wall to capture the texture of the surface underneath the paper while painting it. She later cut the painting into small portions to burn them into screens and print an edition of mono prints
all these prints are different from each other!

also, we’re really really happy to welcome a new artist on studiocromie.org, Dunja Jankovic made these three prints in her studio in barcelona


hello everybody!
we’ve just launched a new website where we’ll be working with a lot of freedom and non instagram famous artists
you think you still have time to check interesting shit? check www.thefuckups.org !

Marco Pariani print release!

hello everybody!
long time no speak, it’s been a weird summer, productive, but in a different way.
i had to learn again, for the 100th time, that working with artists can be a bitch and it’s only getting worst year by year.
instagram and fame makes them much more stupid and less responsive to the real world, they end up thinking that what they do is relevant outside their studios and they basically loose their mind when they walk away from it and realize the world doesnt need any of their speculations. Dealing with their bullshit i keep asking myself : why am i doing it?

let me put it down nicely:

i do it for the money now, i need it to fix this new huge space i bought and turn it into a studio/gallery/house/guesthouse but i also do it because every 10 spoiled assholes i meet in this business, there’s a very nice person who makes my life better. Somehow, magically, this ratio is enough to keep me going and i dream that once i’ll be done fixing the new space i’ll be able to enjoy it with the 1/10 of great people i’m meeting and working with now. It will be the definitive Studio Cromie and it will all make sense when it will be up and running, bear with me my friends and it will all be fun again

So, speaking of this 1 nice person out of 10 nightmares, i’m here to introduce you all to the work of Marco Pariani, drumroll… a normal, nice, safe and functioning human being!

we made this print together, he painted 25 different backgrounds and we screened 12 colors on top of each of them. they’re all very different from each other so keep it in mind while ordering!


Maya Hayuk Fuck tiles!

Maya Hayuk was here during the hottest days of august to paint on these ceramic tiles!

they’re all unique and available in two sizes
15×26 cm edition of 20 and 56×28 cm edition of 10

Paul Kremer Chime Ringer release!

Paul Kremer Chime Ringer print relase from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

After a full year from our first release with genious Paul Kremer we’re ready to drop his second edition !
here it is!

Boris Hoppek, Family Forever print release

Boris Hoppek Family Forever from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

Hello everybody!
one of the most common reactions to graffiti from the general public is “why don’t you do it on your house?!?”
we’re so happy to release these new Boris Hoppek prints and pieces that we’ve destroyed our new gallery (video above)
you find three new prints here and an edition of 10 original paintings on paper here

Jan Kalab – Ionian Blob print release

Jan Kalab, annegare o galleggiare from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

hello everybody, please welcome Jan Kalab to the StudioCromie family!
we made these prints back in september and we showed them to the people from the hood down in Grottaglie

CYOP & KAF – teste

hello everybody! we just released an edition of 9 original paintings by Cyop & Kaf. you find them here

REVOK x STUDIOCROMIE – kundalini, three variants

REVOK, three colors kundalini from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

Hello Everybody! We’re releasing three new prints by REVOK !
We made one with the same style a few months ago and it sold out in seconds, it just felt stupid to us at studiocromie that we wished we had printed more of them. We did that later, in three new sexy colorways, packed them in a super heavy box and flew them to the states to try and convince king REVOK to sign them. It was a nightmare to carry that box all that way but luckily Jason liked them and here they are! hope you’ll like them too !

I said i was going to release these on the 15th, but tomorrow is my birthday and i’ll be hanging around with my friends so i thought i’d better put them up already. Also, my english is worst then usual here ’cause they’re waiting downstairs and i really have to go !

thank you all ! happy 2018 !


the show opens saturday the 9th of december!



The evil empire of CaneMorto joined StudioCromie in September 2017 for their first solo show at the gallery. We produced a show, a rap album and this video! the album is available here!


We’re very excited to release these 7 bombs by swedish absolute king of disaster Nug. each piece measures 70×100 cm and they’re all different and unique. watch video of the process up here! pieces down here

Lucy Mclauchlan, ten years

We started working with Lucy Mclauchlan back in 2006, we’re still good friends and happy to make things togheter
This says a lot to me about how talented she is not only at making paintings, but also at bearing us!
Lucy painted these pieces on birch wood for StudioCromie’s 10 years aniversary.
they’re titled “one tenth”, “two tenth”, “three tenth” and so on… together they form a whole piece, TEN, as ten years
we’re releasing them at the price of 1500 euros each! you find them here


We’re super happy to release 25 hand painted multiples by Jason Revok, he came down here in the hottest days of august to produce these unique screenprints, edition of 25 copies only
music in the video by William Basinsky


We’re happy to announce that we’ll soon be back with CANEMORTO
the infamous italian trio will reach us in grottaglie to shoot a new video, produce paintings and more surprises i cant tell you about
if you have no idea what we’re talking about, check their previous video, this is how you can laugh about yourself while you take yourself seriously

if you feel like supporting the project, get one of their prints or sculptures here!

Paul Kremer @ Studio Cromie !

Paul Kremer @ StudioCromie from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.

It was so refreshing to have Paul down at the studio for the past two weeks! We’ve been painting and printing like crazy and the man proved that an artist does not have to be obsessed with himself or his art and can also enjoy other beauties in this privileged lives we have, like meeting other people, exploring their places, having a good time, laughing, at the point that art becomes almost an excuse to make all of the above things happen! fuck yeah!

first solo show by Cyop&Kaf in Grottaglie. we’ll be showing a new series of works and screening their moive “il segreto”
please get in touch for more infos about available works and tickets for the movie

New Prints online!


I would have never believed it but we’re still here, it’s been 10 great years in wich i met so many great people i can’t even imagine how i could have been the person i am now without studiocromie. This year i even bought a new massive space that will soon become my new studio and already is the new gallery. Studiocromie is now clearly what i thought it would have become when i built the first printing table back in 2006: a lifetime project. This was and still is my custom made escape from imposed paths and possible lifes that were offered to me, it’s exactly the life i want and it’s thanks to a lot of people that this is still possible. Studiocromie still exist and it’s stronger then ever. thank you beautiful people. I promise i’ll keep working hard, starting today:

StudioCromie is releasing new prints by Zio Ziegler, CaneMorto, Lucy Mclauchlan, Word To Mother and JAZ !
hope you like them!
If you’re around this saturday, 17 december, come by the gallery, we’ll be having a 10 years anniversary group show and it’s going to be good!





Old and new works from Boris Hoppek, Lucy Mclauchlan, Vhils, Conor Harrington, Cyop & Kaf, Swoon, Slinkachu, Aec Interesni Kazki, Nug, Akay, Conor Harrington, El Tono, Dave Kinsey, Jaz and more

please get in touch if you need more informations about the show here: studiocromie@gmail.com



This is the video documentation of the painting trip we made with MOMO in sicily ! in the post here you can find more infos and photos of the murals and the gallery show

also, if anybody would like to get one of these new prints, you can order it here




We’re extremely excited to announce that after more then three years from DARMON 2013 (infos and video here), we’re about to team up again with his majesty MOMO for a new painting trip wich, as in 2013, will culminate in a exhibition at Studio Cromie.
we’ll be showcasing a new body of work on canvas, paper, prints and ceramics ! Please get in touch here studiocromie@gmail.com for a pdf about the project and instructions on how to be part of it!

more news soon!

NUG ! new prints and pieces online


back in october 2015 we packed our printing studio and shipped it to Stockholm, we went there to meet the swedish master of disaster NUG. this is the first of the two screenprints he made while we where there, we had to build a diy printing studio in the artist space to produce two new limited editions and a 10 meters long original painting that is now available in pieces. you can email us and ask us to cut your piece, a video that shows the process can be found here: https://vimeo.com/142168131
order your prints here: www.studiocromie.org !



Sickboy, new prints!


NEW SICKBOY EDITION ! 15 handpainted massive prints available now! check the video below!
get it here: http://studiocromie.org/products-page/prints/make-it-last-forever/

in the meanwhile, we’ve just uploaded new original works from MONEYLESS / SAM3 / VHILS / SICKBOY / DEM / SWOON / CYOP & KAF / NUG / WORD TO MOTHER / BORIS HOPPEK / LUCY MCLAUCHLAN

Sickboy x StudioCromie – new print release! from STUDIO CROMIE on Vimeo.



In these uncertain times, we’re gathering together the best friends from the past few years and some newcomers for a group show that aims to be a truthful portrait of the moment between what it used to be and what it’s going to be, after this imminent catastrophe


the show will open on the 31st of october, we’ll have a preview opening and dinner party on the 30 of october, get in touch if interested

Nug x StudioCromie X Catastrofe from fame festival on Vimeo.


WORD TO MOTHER X STUDIOCROMIE 2015 from fame festival on Vimeo.

13 prints, all unique, available here http://studiocromie.org/products-page/prints/mother-2015/

hello everybody, we’ve just put out a new Word To Mother edition, video here
just 13 copies, all different from each other, the artist spent long time on each of these with acrylic, sprays, crayons
then we screened a thick white layer on top with his classic MOTHER typo. do not miss this one!